Do Mormons Drink Caffeine? Here Are The Complete Facts To Know!


We make choices every day, and then we are bound to bear the consequences. The statement goes fit for all personal, health, professional, or otherwise choices. Let’s specifically talk about diet and eating habits. There have been different nuances in the world that are supported and opposed simultaneously.

Many people advocate a cruelty-free environment, and when this idea conjuncts with food, it means avoiding every product that has been obtained from the mistreatment or killing of animals, be it eggs, meat, or milk. This concept also relates to veganism, where you don’t eat anything except obtained from plant sources. 

Similarly, several groups and communities avoid certain food items and advocate for others. For instance, alcoholic drinks are strictly forbidden in Muslim communities. Hindu communities have their own rituals and norms when it comes to alcoholic drinks. There is a group of Christians called Mormons that also practice certain rituals and avoid certain products as a part of their religious duty.

In today’s article, we will talk about some Mormons’ habits around us. There is a hot topic about Mormons questioning whether they consume caffeine products or not. Besides, there is often a heated discussion about whether Mormons consume alcoholic products or not. Therefore, we will try to address all these questions and state the facts so you know what to expect.

So let’s get into it.

Who Are Mormons?

Let’s begin with a definition of Mormons or, more precisely, which people fall under the category of Mormons.

Essentially, Mormons are a religious and cultural group that believes in the principal branch of the Latter Day Saint movement, which Joseph Smith started. Mormons stand for practitioner, follower, adherent, or constituent of Mormonism in restorationist Christianity.

If we talk about the origin of the term Mormon, it was adopted from the Book of Mormon title, a sacred text adherents believe to have been translated from golden plates. These golden plates are believed to be revealed to Joseph Smith by an angel. The book was published in 1830.

Afterward, the term Mormon was applied to all the members of the church that Joseph Smith founded. The early believers of the church would call themselves the Church of Christ and Saints, the same terminology as used by Campbellites. Therefore, the new religious movement adopted the term Mormonite to distinguish them from other sects.

In the modern world, the term Mormon refers to all the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints(LDS Church), small sects of Mormon fundamentalism, and any branch of the Latter-Day Saint movement who believes Brigham Young as the successor of Joseph Smith. The term is used to represent the religion itself as well as its texts, art, and culture.

What Is the Ideology And Philosophy Of Mormons?

We have briefly overviewed what Mormonism is about. Let’s dig into the ideology and philosophy of Mormonism a little deeper.

Joseph Smith started the movement in the 1820s and 1830s as a religious tradition of the Latter Day Saint Movement. Mormon theology encompasses mainstream Christian beliefs, but certain modifications have been derived from revelations to Smith and other religious leaders.

After the death of Joseph Smith, the theology of Mormonism didn’t remain uniform, and there was a split into various groups from the original Church of Christ as established by Smith. For instance, the Utah-based LDS church banned polygamy in 1890. However, there is a branch of Mormonism that maintains the polygamy practice and is known as Mormon fundamentalism.

If we have to summarize the philosophy of Mormonism, this sect believes that one purpose of earthly life is to learn to choose good or evil. However, the process is not smooth, as people make several mistakes that make them unworthy of returning to God’s presence. The belief of Mormons further extends to the ideology that Jesus was the one who paid for the sins of the world, and people can be saved through his atonement.

Yet another significant belief of the Mormons that differ from Christians is disbelief in the Trinity. Mormons do not believe in the accepted view of Christ of the Trinity, which is coequal with God the Father and the Holy Spirit in the triune godhead.

Where Is Mormon Land?

The next thing we should be talking about is where the land of Mormons is or which place is rich in the Mormon population. However, the term Land of Mormon doesn’t relate to the population of Mormonism believers. Instead, it relates to the Hemispheric or Two-Continent Model. According to their belief, the Mormon land extends many thousands of miles over South and North America.

However, linguistics and genetics have proven that there is no real possibility of hemispheric models. Native American and Near-Eastern languages have no widely accepted linguistic connection. Besides, the traces of DNA from Native Americans do not relate to ancient Near East DNA, unlike what is believed in the Book of Mormon people.

How Are Mormons Different Than Christians?

There are principally several differences between Fundamentalistic Christianity and Mormonism. Wondering?

Here are some of the notable differences between the two beliefs that build the borderline between them:

DifferencesMormonism Christianity
Place of WorshipMormons practice their religion at churches or temples. However, in extremist Mormons, any place is a place for organized worship where followers of Christ are gathered together.In Christianity, the only places for organized worship are as follows: home bible study, church, chapel, basilica, cathedral, and personal dwellings.
ClergyAny worthy male member will hold priesthood offices. They are called out of the congregation for presiding stakes, wards, and areas.Priests, Bishops, Ministers, Nuns, and Monks
Use of Statues And PicturesThe Mormon school of thought doesn’t accept any idol, but depictions of the life of Christ or other saints are accepted.Pictures and statues are used in the Orthodox and catholic churches in Christianity.
FounderJesus Christ is believed to have restored the church he created in the past by making a revelation to Joseph Smith through the Book of Mormon and angels.The Lord Jesus Christ is the founder of the religion.
MarriageThe idea of marriage in the Mormon belief is that marriage is one man/one woman can be eternal. The polygamy was ended over a century ago.The believers of Christianity believe marriage to be a Holy Sacrament.
GodThe Mormons believe that Heavenly Father has perfected the body of bone and flesh, and he was a man like us. However, he was given godhood through obedience to eternal law.Christians believe in One God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit –The Concept of the Trinity.
ScripturesThe old and new testaments of the Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, and The Doctrine & CovenantsThe Holy Bible
Day Of WorshipSunday is the formal day of worship services. However, the daily prayer, scripture study, and seminar study occur throughout the week at home.Sunday in most denominations, but Saturday is also observed as worship services day in Seventh-Day Adventist and Seventh-Day Baptist.
Second Coming Of JesusThey firmly believe in the second coming of Jesus without any timeline of return.Christianity’s belief firmly advocates the second coming of Jesus.
Place Of OriginUpstate New YorkRoman province of Judea
Population16.5 million as of 2020Over 2 billion around the world
Life After DeathEvery dying individual gets eternity and immortality through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.Eternity concept in heaven or hell.

Do Mormons Drink Caffeine?

Now, let’s talk about one of the most predictable debates about Mormons: do they drink caffeine?

According to the Word of Wisdom clauses, the Mormons do not drink coffee, and consuming caffeine in any form is strictly prohibited. According to the LDS prophet Joseph Smith, he says in Doctrines and Covenants Section 89, verse 9:

Hot drinks are not for the body or belly.

The Word Of Wisdom From Mormons

According to the Word of Wisdom, Mormons believe that God has told them to eat fruits, vegetables, and grains as they’re nutritious and help the human body. The meat is also recommended to be eaten sparingly. However, when it comes to substances like tea, alcoholic beverages, tobacco,  coffee, etc., God has guided us to avoid these drinks. Besides, there are also illegal drugs that are prohibited in Mormonism’s Word of Wisdom.

There is no rationale mentioned on why to avoid caffeine products, but these results have been verified by the scientific studies carried out. Therefore, the believers of Mormonism avoid hot beverages as well as alcoholic drinks for a healthier body.

What Are Caffeine Products Mormons Don’t Use?

If you’re wondering about which caffeine products Mormons drink and which are completely prohibited, here is the detail:

Coca-Cola Or Pepsi

Many Mormons will avoid Coke, be it Coca-Cola or Pepsi. However, there are a few who do not.


The Mormons are prohibited from consuming any type of tea or herbal tea in their doctrine and Word of Wisdom. Therefore, they do not drink any black tea or herbal tea.


Coffee is a big No in the belief of Mormons, no matter what name you give it. In all forms, like caffeine, mochaccino, cold coffee, hot coffee, etc., you can’t take this caffeine drink as a believer of Mormon doctrine.

Do Mormons Drink Alcohol?

As per the Word of Wisdom, the believers of Mormon doctrine are not allowed to drink any kind of alcohol. However, there is little evidence of all Mormons not practicing the prohibition of alcoholic drinks. According to some reports, only 18% of Americans who identify themselves as Mormons have drunk alcohol occasionally. It is far below the national average, which supports the idea of avoiding alcoholic drinks.


We have discussed everything you need to know about Mormons, their beliefs, their Word of Wisdom that dictates their eating habits, and how the prohibition of caffeine and other such beverages has been related to the Words of Wisdom. We hope you will be able to answer the questions about the consumption of coffee, tea, and different alcoholic beverages in the Mormon doctrine.

FAQs About Mormons

1. Do Mormons marry?

Yes, marriage is an essential practice for exaltation in the doctrine of Mormonism.

2. Why do Mormons marry?

As per Mormonism doctrine, you must marry for exaltation, and unmarried people will not be able to reach the highest level of the Celestial Kingdom after their life in this world ends. They also believe that the only marriage to last forever is one performed at a Mormon temple performed by a person having priestly authority.

3. Can Mormons marry non-Mormons?

Yes, marrying a non-member of Church of Jesus Christ Later-Day Saints is allowed. However, such marriages are not performed in the Mormon temples.

4. Can Mormons get divorced?

Yes, there is a process for annulment of the marriage, and divorce is an unfortunate necessary evil. Therefore, the Mormons can get divorced in church after completing the necessary process.

5. What is special about Mormons?

The significant doctrines of Mormons include eternity in marriage, progression, baptism for those who are dead, polygamy, sexual purity, fasting, sabbath observance, etc.

6. What percentage of Mormons drink coffee?

According to the reports, there is a good amount of Mormonism followers who consume coffee and caffeinated drinks despite their prohibition. According to a Religion in Public blog survey, 35% of church members reported consuming coffee.

7. Is caffeine really against the Word of Wisdom?

Yes. In the Word of Wisdom, the believers are prohibited from consuming hot beverages and drinks as they’re not healthy choices. However, no rational justification for not drinking coffee has been provided there. Later on, scientific studies have proven the health benefits of avoiding caffeine and caffeinated drinks, proving the legitimacy of the Word of Wisdom.

8. Do Mormons own Pepsi?

No. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not own PepsiCo. Any such news is fake and just to spread conspiracy about the brands.

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